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Harriet Tubman and the Ideals of American Democracy! Retour vers l'agenda


25 Février 2021 de 17:00 à 18:00


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Région(s) concernées par cet événement: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cet événement: Arts/Culture
Join us for a presentation by Dr. Mahassen Mgadmi, scholar in African American studies and a U.S. exchange program alumna, who will shed light on the heroic life of Harriet Tubman, who dedicated her life to fighting slavery. Named “the Moses of her people,” for facilitating multiple rescue missions of slaves, she stood out as one of the greatest abolitionists of her time who represented the ideals of American democracy. Later in her life, Harriet became heavily involved with promoting women’s suffrage with figures like Susan B. Anthony. This presentation will give you the chance to discuss:
The abolitionist movement of the 19th Century and the importance of the Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman’s struggle to promote women’s suffrage
The ongoing effort to add Harriet Tubman’s photo to the $20 bill
The inspiring lyrics of the song “standup” by Cynthia Eriva, which narrates the life of Tubman
Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021
Time: 17:00 – 18:00
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/96902253813
Meeting ID: 969 0225 3813
A Word about the Speaker:
Dr. Mahassen Mgadmi is an assistant professor at the Higher Institute of Applied Languages and Computer Science of Beja (ISLAIB), the University of Jendouba and a lecturer at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Tunis (FHST), University of Tunis. She is a former participant in the International Visitor Leadership Program on Media Studies in the U.S. and a recipient of an American Studies Grant. She participated in national and international conferences and published articles in local and international journals on a range of issues pertaining to African American history. Her major interests are African American Studies, historiography, American Cultural Studies.

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