أعبّر عن رأيي

Employability Workshops – تكوين للباحثين عن عمل عودة إلى الأجندة


25 جوان 2018 de 18:00 à 20:00


U.S. embassy, les Berges du Lac, Tunis

شارك الحدث على

التسجيل ضروري
الجهة (ات) المعنيّة بهذا الحدث تونس et 1 جهة (جهات) أخرى

The American Center is offering this exciting series of workshops to young Tunisian job seekers. American trainer Sandra Huang will work with you to prepare you for a competitive job market.

– Part 1 – Reflection and Discovery
This workshop will help you identify your passion and explore your objectives for a professional career.

– Part 2 – Definition
During this workshop, you will build a professional profile (CV, LinkedIn) and will develop your pitch.

– Part 3 – Practice and Delivery
In this workshop, you will perfect your pitch, learn tips and tools to nail a job interview, and enhance your networking skills.

• Registration is for the entire workshop series. Attendance at all 3 sessions is required.
• Priority will be given to recent graduates and current job seekers.
• Active participation in exercises and role playing is expected. You may be asked to share your CV/resume with the group.

Register using this form before June 17: https://goo.gl/forms/xLx7TMZoUjR7lyaF3

• About the trainer:
Sandra Huang is an international development expert and former educator. She has over ten years of teaching and training experience, as well as ten years of applied expertise in research, planning, and accountability. Sandra has lived and worked in the United States, Tunisia, Sudan, Switzerland, Afghanistan, China, Vietnam, Mongolia, and Haiti. Her work crosses diverse sectors, including education, migration, local governance, community development, and organizational development. A unifying theme is a focus on participation and access, equity for vulnerable populations, and conflict recovery. Throughout her career, Sandra has worked in government, private institutions, non-profit and non-governmental organizations, and in multinational organizations.

Sandra holds a B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley and a Masters in Education from Harvard University. She enjoys cooking, reading, and exploring the mountains.

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