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Debate to illuminate Retour vers l'agenda


27 Août 2017 de 16:00 à 19:00


Hotel Lella Meriam, Zarzis, Medenine

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Région(s) concernées par cet événement: Médenine

A debate is a form of public discourse; it is a formal direct oral contest or competition in argumentation between two or more people on a defined proposition at a specific time. Debating can help you :
•Develop excellent oral and written communication skills.
•Develop excellent critical thinking skills.
•Develop effective tools for research, organization and presentation.
•Develop strategies to overcome fears of public speaking.
•Discover the confidence and desire to participate in all academic classes.
That is why JCE Zarzis will organize this event “Debat to illuminate ” to help youth in Zarzis get the opportunity to assist a debating and even be part of it

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استراتيجيات حديثة في عصر الذكاء الاصطناعي

المركب الثقافي و الشبابي بسليانة à partir de 22:00

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