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Constitutional Court’s Simulation Retour vers l'agenda


11 Avril 2018 à partir de 14:00


Faculté de Sciences Juridiques Politiques et Sociales, 10 décembre, Tunis

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Région(s) concernées par cet événement: Tunis et 1 autre(s) régions

Hello future IIdebaters , we are honored to invite you all to join us , members IIdebate IRC juridique , as judges or lawyers in our project “Constitutional Court’s Simulation ” which will study succession laws.

This mock trial is a chance to make the work of the constitutional court more comprehensive and to develop students’ abilities of public speaking , this experience will contain debates , laws’ study and more.
to apply go the this link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdi1-qnn92qJuHEFVL5QlVR687lgL6JcUPpvUjLPVhjbg-quw/viewform

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