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ATUGE For Women Webinar on “Gender Equality- The Road Ahead” عودة إلى الأجندة


04 نوفمبر 2020 à partir de 19:00


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المجالات المعنيّة بهذا الحدث النوع الإجتماعي et 1 مجال(لات) أخرى
ATUGE For Women is extremely honoured and proud to have the pleasure to discuss “Gender Equality” with Ouided Bouchamaoui, Nobel Prize Laureate 2015 to hear about her success story and how, as a Tunisian woman, she has been able to reach the most prestigious award in the world. We will also have Ouided’s view the reality of Gender Equality, what are the causes of inequality and how she managed to overcome any challenge in order to achieve the great success she has achieved.
We will also have the opportunity to shed some lights on the current situation in Tunisia with regards to Gender Equality with a presentation from Nadia Touihri, Director at National Institute of Statistics in Tunisia, Nadia will present the most recent statistics on Gender in different topics such us Education and Employment.
Lotfi Saibi, CEO at 4D Leadership with 25 years experience on the topic in the US, Canada, and the MENA regions will talk to us about his experience and feedback working with Women Leaders around the world and also based on years of studies he conducted on Gender Equality Theme.
The purpose of this Webinar is to have a clearer picture of the Gender Equality status in Tunisia and also to have recommendations from our high profile speakers on what we can do together to overcome gender inequality? Is there a role Tunisian Diaspora can plan to build a future with more Gender Equality? What changes must we do now for the road ahead ? What foundations do we need to put in place now to build a world of equal opportunities?
Please join us on Wednesday 4th of November 2020 at 6.00pm London time / 7.00pm Tunis time, by registering via the link:

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