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The Sigrid Rausing Trust

The Sigrid Rausing Trust SRT

Implanté depuis 1995

Particularités du PTF : Partenaire Financier

We identify new grantees through recommendations and fieldwork. Our programme officers evaluate new organisations and submit recommendations to the Trustees, who make the final decisions on grant allocations.

Only a few of our grants are ear-marked for specific projects. Many of the groups we support have relatively easy access to project funding, but may find it difficult to raise funds to cover their running costs. We believe that donors can best encourage innovation and imagination if they allow grantees to develop their own ideas.

We are politically non-partisan, and expect the same of our partners.

If you wish to let the Trust know about your work, you may send an email describing your organisation to research@srtrust.org. Programme officers review these on a regular basis, and if your organisation is of interest to the Trust they will make contact.

As a registered charity the Trust can only supports activities that can be considered as charitable according to the law of England and Wales (Charities Act 2006). For more information please consult the website of the Charity Commission.


It has become somewhat of a cliché in funding circles to assume that human rights progress can’t be measured using quantifiable data in the way that development aid can. The lack of ‘measurable’ progress is a genuine disincentive for funders who might otherwise be sympathetic to human rights. If success can’t be measured, the argument goes, it is by definition so intangible as to be meaningless. This section of our website, which is a collection of news stories from our grantees, refutes that argument by showing that human rights progress (and impediments to progress) can be judged by narratives as well as by measurements.

News verification is a common issue on the web. All our grantees have been rigorously assessed, and we pay particular attention to the veracity of their advocacy claims. We do not, however, independently verify the stories that grantees send in.


The purpose of SRT is to promote the values and principles of human rights, equality and the rule of law, and to preserve nature from further degradation. The Trust has a particular interest in the following overlapping regions and countries:

• Europe: particularly the Balkans and Central and Eastern Europe;
• The former Soviet Union;
• Lebanon and Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean;
• Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia in North Africa;
• Kenya, South Africa and Zimbabwe in Sub-Saharan Africa

The Trust runs ten programmes:



  • We recognise the value of core funding.
  • We look for good and effective leadership.
  • We are flexible and responsive to needs and opportunities.
  • We value clarity and brevity in applications and reports.
  • We look to establish long-term relationships with grantees.


Sigrid Rausing Trust, PO BOX 74062, LONDON W11 9GR

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