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SKL International

SKL International SKLInternational

خصائص الشريك التقنيّ والماليّ : شريك ماليّ

SKL International is a company, owned by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR). We focus on the development of well-functioning local and regional administrations.

From an international perspective, Swedish local self-government is very extensive. Responding to a high international demand for practical examples of Swedish local self-government, SALAR began to “export” these experiences as points of reference for local democratic development in other countries. When the demand grew, SKL International was founded.

We use expertise and know-how from our extensive pool of experts from within SALAR and from Swedish local authorities and regions. When appropriate we also use international and local experts.

Our work is demand-driven and result-oriented. Typically, project financing comes from international development donors.

Our project partners range from ministries, associations of local governments and municipalities to donor representatives. Projects are typically associated with decentralization reform and often located in countries undergoing transitions of different kinds; post conflict, EU approximation etc.

SKL International has developed extensive experience in eight core areas all connected to the performance of the sub-national levels of government.

Various aspects of decentralisation are integrated in most of our assignments, and we provide the following expertise to policy development and strategy implementation:

  • Programming of support to decentralisation
  • Designing of decentralisation policies and implementation plans
  • Defining stakeholders and pin-pointing the relevant sequence of roll-out in the implementation of strategies
  • Supporting to the design and management of critical reforms

SKL International’s decentralisation reform services are specified through a close cooperation with our clients, often donors, ministries, and local or regional authority associations. The clients’ requests vary from supporting the development of comprehensive policies to implementation plans and roll-outs for beneficiaries and donors.

By piloting certain reforms, we also strive to build good practice upon which to base a concept for roll-out on a wider regional and/or national level. Pilot reforms can for example relate to the instalment of key roles and functions, procedures and processes that increase local decision-making and improve service delivery.

Support to local democracy and local self governance is the raison d’être for SKL International. We provide know-how on policy support and practical guidance towards accountable local governance based on  experiences from a wide range of projects.

Transparency, accountability and civic participation have become phrases like buzz words, but are all serious aspects that determine if a political system is truly  democratic or not.

SKL International provides evidence based Swedish and international experience for local management, planning and decision-making but is always building its recommendations and proposals on the local context and conditions. Interventions can be about::

  • Training, internship and exchange programmes for politicians and action learning pilot projects.
  • Capacity building through consultancy on the spot.
  • Municipal cooperation through a strengthening of an existing association or creation of a new body for this purpose.
  • Policy review related to local governance and or follow on support in drafting of legislation and regulations
  • Manuals for cross-sector and sector oriented activities for local governments for example connected to the budget planning cycle.
  • Guidance/coaching in gender mainstreaming and civil society dialogue.
  • Guidance/coaching on design and implementation of tprocedures and systems to be established to fight corruption or through  power analysis support reveal informal power centres that need to be considered in the creation of interface between party politics and local government systems.
  • Evaluations of government policy or donor support for the sector

Local democracy is also about making good use of resources through citizens’ participation, which require thorough and systematic data collection to support informed decisions.

Strong local government associations (LGAs) provide their members with capacity development and other services. They also engage in national policy processes, advocating on behalf of the sub-national levels and contributing to more effective local governance.

We work with all stages of local government association development, from establishing national associations and contributing to comprehensive organizational strengthening, to providing targeted support in areas such as EU approximation and gender mainstreaming.

Our technical assistance includes:

  • Organisation Development (OD) reviews followed by implementation through strategic guidance and capacity building
  • Strategic development through improved services, lobbying mechanisms and communication to members and other stakeholders, and
  • Different methods for exchange of experiences such as study visits and on the job-training.

SALAR’s organizational set-up and experiences of interaction with the members (including delivery of services) is a significant showcase that provides an important reference in the context of support to other associations that need to develop their own solutions. These solutions build on country specific traditions and organisation of the public sector. SKL International’s involvement in countries like Albania and Serbia differs a lot from that in China, India and South Africa. To ensure quality we treat every project as unique in both proposals and assessments.





SKL International supports the development of local government systems in developing countries and countries in transition.

To ensure quality we treat every project as unique in both proposal and assessment. Our services are often based on Swedish experiences and always adapted to the local context. We build our assistance on an in-depth understanding of the client’s potential for development.

We support local and regional authorities, and local government associations, all over the world. Our work includes support to decentralisation processes, local and regional development, and municipal management and service delivery.


  • Decentralization
  • local democracy and gouvernance
  • support to local gouvernment associations
  • symbiocity
  • local and regional development
  • thematic local partnerships

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