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Silatech Silatech

Implanté depuis 2008

Particularités du PTF : Partenaire Financier Partenaire Technique mécanisme d'appui supporté: Appel à candidatures

Silatech is a dynamic social initiative that works to create jobs and expand economic opportunities for young people throughout the Arab world.

We promote large-scale job creation, entrepreneurship, access to capital and markets, and the participation and engagement of young people in economic and social development. Founded in 2008 by Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, we find innovative solutions to challenging problems, working with a wide spectrum of NGOs, governments and the private sector to foster sustainable, positive change for Arab youth.

What’s in a Name?

“Silatech” comes from the Arabic word “Sila,” which means “connection.” In Arabic, “Silatech” means “your connection.” 

We aren’t a job finding service, but we take seriously our role as a vital connection linking young Arabs to employment opportunities. As a small but agile and results-driven organization, we bring NGOs and civil society, governments and the private sector together to address youth unemployment issues from every angle.


An Arab world in which young people are able to work, and are engaged in the economic and social development of their societies.

What we do

We prepare Arab youth for the world of work, we connect them with jobs, and we help them start and grow businesses.

Youth unemployment is a worldwide problem. But nowhere is the challenge more pressing than in the Arab world, which, at 29%, has the highest rate of any region.

Our dual program approach prepares youth and links them with existing job opportunities, while helping young entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses, creating jobs in the process. Underpinning it all is a belief in innovative, evidence-based programming that can be replicated and scaled up to achieve maximum impact.



To connect young people with improved opportunities for employment, enterprise and civic engagement. We do this by mobilizing knowledge, investment, technology and networks, and by influencing mindsets and policies that are key to unlocking wider impact.


  • Enterprise Development
  • Employment / Employability
  • Research & Policy



Projets 3 projets au total

Événements 2 événements au total

« café-rencontre »

5 Rue Ibn Charaf, Tunis, Gouvernorat de Tunis, Tunisie à partir de 09:30

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