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Human Security Collective

Human Security Collective

مركزّ منذ2013

خصائص الشريك التقنيّ والماليّ : شريك ماليّ شريك تقنيّ آليّة الدّعم: دعوة للترشّح آليّة الدّعم: ترشّح تلقائيّ ONG Internationale

Human Security Collective (HSC) is a foundation with a strong background in development, conflict transformation and security. We operate worldwide on issues of security and the involvement of citizens and their communities. We believe that the idea of human security provides an organizing frame for security action.

Issues we focus on include:

  • promoting youth leadership in connection with de-radicalization and conflict transformation
  • the countering of violent extremism (CVE)
  • terrorism financing and the enabling environment for civil society
  • civil–military approaches
  • the nexus between security, development and human rights.

The organization is based in The Hague and maintains partnerships with civil society, academia and governments in the MENA-region, West-Africa, South and South-east Asia, Central Asia, Latin America, as well as Europe and the US. The Human Security Collective facilitates, in collaboration with the United Nations, dialogue processes between governments and civil society on  security and CVE.


Bridging the gap between people and security. We address the asymmetric character of decision-making in the domain of security by ensuring multi-stakeholder engagement, and protecting and expanding the operational and political space of civil society.


  • Convening, coordinating and facilitating dialogue between civil society, policy shapers and other actors to enhance alternative approaches to current security and counter-terrorism practice
  • Encouraging and supporting practitioners to document, analyze and disseminate their security alternatives among civil society and security and development actors
  • Providing a secure platform for human security interaction.

معطيات الاتّصال

الهاتف الجوّال
البريد الإلكتروني
Riviervismarkt 5 2513 SUIS Den Haag Les Pays-Bas


Yasmin Haloui

Country Coordinator

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