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Human Rights Watch ( Middle East and North Africa Division )

Human Rights Watch ( Middle East and North Africa Division ) HRW

Implanté depuis 1981

Particularités du PTF : Partenaire Financier mécanisme d'appui supporté: Appel à candidatures mécanisme d'appui supporté: Candidature libre ONG Internationale

Tunisia’s promising constitution contained several weaknesses and ambiguities, which could be used to suppress rights such as freedom of expression.

In 2014, two radio stations were suspended on accusations of having links to terrorism and propagating hate speech. Incidents of prosecutions for alleged defamation of state officials were fewer. Legal codes retained discriminatory provisions that deny women full equality in family law matters. Torture reportedly remained common in detention facilities and prisons despite Tunisia’s promise to prevent torture and other forms of cruel and inhumane punishment.

Core values-We are:

  • COMMITTED TO OUR MISSION OF DEFENDING HUMAN RIGHTS WORLDWIDE Our work is guided by international human rights and humanitarian law and respect for the dignity of each human being.
  • INDEPENDENT : To ensure our independence, we do not accept government funds, directly or indirectly, or support from any private funder that could compromise our objectivity and independence. We do not embrace political causes, are non-partisan, and maintain neutrality in armed conflict.
  • FACTUAL, ACCURATE, AND ETHICAL IN OUR FACT-FINDING. We are committed to maintaining high standards of accuracy and fairness, including by seeking out multiple perspectives to develop an in- depth, analytic understanding of events. We recognize a particular responsibility for the victims and witnesses who have shared their experiences with us.
  • ACTIVELY FOCUSED ON IMPACT : We succeed only when our actions lead to positive and sustainable change. We are never complacent, always on the lookout for new opportunities to advance our cause. We also are committed to working on difficult situations, where long-term attention is required for meaningful impact.
  • SUPPORTIVE OF A DIVERSE AND VIBRANT INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS MOVEMENT AND MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL PARTNERSHIPS : We work closely with a broad range of local and international civil society actors to maximize our impact. We speak out against attacks on civil society and defend the political space within which the broader human rights movement operates.


Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people worldwide. We scrupulously investigate abuses, expose the facts widely, and pressure those with power to respect rights and secure justice. Human Rights Watch is an independent, international organization that works as part of a vibrant movement to uphold human dignity and advance the cause of human rights for all.


Avenue Alain Saavary , Savary medical ,2nd floor N 7 ; 1002 Belvedere Tunis


Amna Guellali

Tunisia office director


Événements 6 événements au total

Actualité associative

Opportunités 1 opportunité au total

Relation publiques 1 élément média au total

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