Particularités du PTF : Partenaire Financier Partenaire Technique mécanisme d'appui supporté: Appel à candidatures mécanisme d'appui supporté: Candidature libre Fondation internationale
The mission of the Foundation is to empower Polish and CE local institutions & organizations – self-governments, public institutions, regional authorities, NGOs & local communities from non-metropolitan and rural areas to pool, share and deliver on their know-how/best practices on
successful and market driven, while socially equitable, community focused, environmentally sustainable modernization and EU acquis adaptation
with the partners from the accession & candidates countries, the Neighbourhood (ENP both East, South and Russia), the Central Asia, the whole developing world
Our work is guided by certain beliefs about how the Foundation will achieve the most good for the greatest number of local communities and grass-root institutions reducing poverty, advancing socially and environmentally sustainable growth, promoting good governance, community empowerment, transparency, narrowing the development gaps, emphasizing U-R divide/disseminating solutions and pursuing development policy awareness in Poland, the EU and beyond.
Our operational principle is joint share a work, risks and rewards.