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Not 4 Trade
تأسّست في 2016 تونس


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قدّم توصية

Not 4 Trade


نسبة المعطيات المتاحة:

مجال (لات) الجمعية : حقوق الإنسان

آخر تحيين: 13 February 2020
تعرف الجمعية أيضا بإسم: Not4T
رئيس(ة) الجمعية: Racha HAFFAR

History and Introduction of Not 4 Trade

Even though Tunisia banned slavery in 1846, the practice still exists in all aspects of life and victims face re-victimization until today, because the national law against trafficking has been under formation for the past nine years, and it only passed on July 21 st of this year.
This shows why Tunisia has been lagging behind in complying with the international standards to counter human trafficking and still ranks as Tier 2 Watch list.
The revolution played as a catalyst in increasing numbers, cases, and forms of human trafficking in Tunisia as a result of the new post-revolution state caused by recent changes at the social, political, economic and legal levels. Trafficking in persons has reached a new alerting status and needs more attention, especially after the rise of numbers of refugees and immigrants trafficked in Tunisia and also Tunisians trafficked abroad. It is also important to pay attention to Tunisian victims exploited within the Tunisian borders. Although governmental and non-governmental bodies have started to put more efforts in standing against this phenomenon, there still remains a huge lack in combatting this phenomenon. The absence of exact data and information about this topic makes it even a more urgent matter to be dealt with. After realizing the fact that no local organizations specialized in fighting trafficking exist in Tunisia, we seized the opportunity to establish Not 4 Trade which is the first-anti human trafficking organization in Tunisia to tackle the gaps and provide the basis for the fight in the country.

Our vision :

An equal Tunisia where no one is enslaved or trafficked in any form.

Our mission:

  • To spread awareness about the crime of human trafficking and educate the public about its dangers and prevalence.
  • To challenge societal norms that normalizes exploitation in our daily lives and makes it acceptable to abuse people around us.
  • To empower girls and boys not to fall victims of exploitation.
  • To support local organizations in their fight against exploitation and provide the with adequate trainings.
  • To provide victims with protection based on all services they need ranging from physical to psychological support and reintegration in the society.


First, we want to start by working on prevention through the following actions:

  •  Create a task force on the national level.
  • To overcome the lack of data, we will initiate a collective database for information and statistics based on a comprehensive research conducted in different regions.
  • Produce reports, articles, reportages and documentaries.
  • Raise awareness through educational material, awareness campaigns, workshops, trainings and conferences.
  • Capacity building by strengthening civil society actors who already work with vulnerable groups and who identify victims of trafficking.
  • Capacity building of police officers, border control officers, and other services provides like health, education, and ministerial personnel
  • Develop methods to identify victims of trafficking and victim-centered interviewing techniques.
  • Exchange legal and technical expertise with neighboring countries to help alleviate the level of deterrence in the region as a whole.

Second, when it comes to protection, this is the list of services we will provide:

  • Create a national Hotline
  • Create a referral system to the different shelters already existent and dealing with victims
  • Provide adequate training for already existing shelters to provide all needed different services for victims
  • Improve comprehensive services including medical, housing, physical and psychological for victims of trafficking.
  • Helping victims to reintegrating them in the society.

Third, after reaching out to victims and being able to provide them with services, we will start a legal committee for prosecution purposes providing:

  • Lawyers to take care of the civil cases of victims.

Our Goal:

Not 4 Trade’s aims at setting the foundation for the anti-human trafficking movement not only in Tunisia, but also in the whole North African region.



الهاتف الجوّال
البريد الإلكتروني
BP Numero 224 Centre Manar Tunis 2092


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