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Association Tunisienne pour la Jeunesse et la Diffusion de Culture de la Paix Retour vers toutes les associations

Association Tunisienne pour la Jeunesse et la Diffusion de Culture de la Paix
Fondée en 2018 Sousse


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Association Tunisienne pour la Jeunesse et la Diffusion de Culture de la Paix


Pourcentage de données disponibles:

Domaine(s) de l'association : Echanges culturels Jeunesse

Dernière mise à jour: 12 février 2020
L'association est aussi connue sous le nom de : ATJDCP
Président(e) de l'association : Achref JABBALLAH
Vis-à-vis avec l'association : badia jaballah

ATJDCP is an active association in the field of youth. It’s is a non-governmental independent and non-profit organization. The main objectives of ATJDCP are:

– Provide opportunities of international exchanges for young people.

– Promoting youth initiatives in order to improve social work and facilitate the integration of young people in local society.

– Establish an active cooperation with Mediterranean and international organizations working in the context of youth and culture.

Through our various activities , we try to provide opportunities for positive and varied development of personality for local and foreign youth. We also actively seek to involve more young Tunisian in community life locally, nationally and internationally ; which may promote their openings mind, creativity and learning. Our main target is young Tunisians aged between 15 and 30 years. Our main activities are in the animation of clubs in various partner organizations on various topics (social, environmental , cultural … ) , the organization of discussions and debates for young people to introduce them to different priorities such as fight against racism , xenophobia and segregation; and promote the values of peace, democracy, mutual respect of human rights and tolerance. We also organize training sessions and skills development related to the themes mentioned above.


Rue Oued Lahdheri Chatt Marriem 4042 Akouda Sousse - Tunisie


Association Tunisienne pour la Jeunesse et la Diffusion de Culture de la Paix est structurée en tant que: Association

Événements 1 événement au total

Projets 0 projets au total

Opportunités 0 opportunités au total

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