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(Offre en anglais) Culture For Citizenship recrute Local Governance Trainer Retour vers les opportunités


04 Mars 2016 Il y a 9 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Béja et 4 autre(s) régions
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Citoyenneté et gouvernance

Job Title : Local Governance trainer

Starting date: March 2016

Culture For Citizenship is a Tunisian organization that was formed in May 2011 and obtained the visa on 23 August in 2011. The goal of this nonprofit organization is to promote human rights and active citizenship through cultural activities and events.
Culture for Citizenship has launched the project “ Awaken Youth”. This project will engage 75 university students from 5 Northern governorates (Beja, Bizerte, Jendouba, El Kef, Tunis) in a workshop series focused on accountability and transparency. The project is divided as follow:

  • Communication trainings
  • Local Governance trainings
  • Initiatives

This project is 100% financed by The U.S.Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) of the State Department. MEPI offers assistance, training, and support to groups and individuals striving to create positive change in the society.
Culture For Citizenship is looking for a Local Governance trainer:
Job responsabilities:

  • Prepare the training content based on:
    • The role of political institutions;
    • Effective engagement of elected officials and community members;
    • Rule of law
    • Accountability and transparency
  • Ensure the presentation of all the trainings
  • Preparation of the report after each training

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Has a diploma in Law / Legal Sciences
  • Has at least 5 years experience as a trainer, coach or moderator for Local governance trainings
  • He/she has a deep knowledge of the actual political and social situation in Tunisia
  • Has worked with NGOs (National and International)
  • He/she can work with students
  • The ability to work with a team and coordinate effectively with the staff members
  • The motivation to participate in the realization of an associative project.

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 29 February 2016

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